
First Entry


At last Minto feels ready to let me relate to you, dearly beloved, about his life. This change of heart might have something to do with the recent success of his favourite soccer team. Is he really that shallow? Today yes he is.

Well apart from the football to celebrate there's not much going on. Still over-worked, still fed up with StepDaughter's shenanigans. Tonight the weekly counselling that she goes to was moved to 6:30 so that dinner wasn't until 7:45pm. And she still has the audacity to ask for the calling-barring to be removed from the phone so that she can make one of her complete waste of time/money/space calls to her friend.

Minto is still frustrated about not being able to do the kind of work that interests him. Radiochemistry is so dull. Library design and synthesis is what really turns him on (in the chemistry labs anyway-what turns him on outside work may be revealed in the future).

Minto has said enough, besides the highlights of the Wolves-Norwich match are now coming on.

waning | waxing

Last 5

I Can't Stand My Baby - Friday, Apr. 08, 2005
TCT - Thursday, Apr. 07, 2005
I really must..... - Tuesday, Apr. 05, 2005
A Series of Unfortunate Events - Monday, Jan. 03, 2005
Manic Thursday - Thursday, Dec. 16, 2004