
Smoke on the Water

November 06, 2002

As some of you may know it was Guy Fawkes' Night last night in the UK. Tuesdays are also a running night for me, since I am trying to get into shape for next years' London marathon that I've entered, fool that I am. So last night's 2.6 mile (co-incidently one-tenth the length of a marathon)excursion round the housing estate was more like running through downtown Kabul with loud bangs every few seconds, clouds of smoke, and the smell of burning to accompany me, with all the fireworks going off. That wasn't too bad though. What really annoyed me was that when I was about halfway round I looked at my stopwatch to check my progress and found to my utter dismay that I hadn't started it. Bugger! Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

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