
Pretty Vacant

Monday, Nov. 18, 2002

As I drove into work this cold morning I was struck by a strong sense of irony. There I was driving to my 9 to 5 repectable job as a scientist in my respectable car after having dropped my respectable wife off at her repectable job....get the idea? OK. The irony was that on the way I was listening to a CD I got over the weekend of the first album by the Sex Pistols (of course I already had it on vinyl). It was just as 'Anarchy in the UK' was on and I was singing away...

'I am an Antichrist;

'I am an anarchist;

'Don't know what I want;

'But I know how to get it;

'I wanna destroy the passerby...

The reality could not be any further from the picture that the lyrics portray.

waning | waxing

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