
London's Calling

Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2003

Last week was the half-term holiday and that means that we usually banish the kids to their fathers, leaving Old Annie and I free to do our own thang. Yes I really meant to type thang.

[I'm surprised that in the current political climate the Heaven 17 song '(We Don't need this) Fascist Groove Thang' hasn't been re-released or done by someone else. Obviously it would have to be adapted for Bush, since originally it was directed at Ronald Reagen- a bit of background for my younger readers.]

Since I was still injured from falling on the stairs-I think I may have cracked a rib- I had no plans for running that week. Anyway our thang usually involves making lurv in unusual (for us)places, eating and drinking far too much, and maybe a little bit of culture.

On Wednesday we went to a pub quiz and did terribly considering all the degrees we've got between us. Having a BSc in applied chemistry (First Class) and a PhD in organic chemistry doesn't help you to tell the difference between Naomi Campbell and Miss Dynamite does it? And having a BA degree in combined studies and a teaching diploma doesn't mean you know that Atlanta was 'the gateway to the south'.

Feeling totally dumb we decided to go to London on Friday so I took a day off. We went to Madame Tausaud's waxwork exhibition. I've been before years ago and Old Annie had never been. We got there just before lunch and there was a long queue, so we decided to eat first. We returned 1 1/2 hours and a bottle of wine later to find the queue completely gone. What we didn't know was that there was a 40 minute queue inside! Once we actually got there we quite enjoyed it. David Beckham was completely out of date- he had short hair and no cut above his eye! Bush and Blair were together, and Saddam was standing a few feet from Hitler and Churchill. After that we decided that we'd go for another drink 'to avoid the rush hour'. Two hours later and several beers we made our weary way back on the train. Then I managed to leave my wallet in the taxi home so we had to make some frantic phone calls to the firm (luckily Old Annie remembered their name), and they found it and brought it back. That's the 2nd time I've lost it and got it back.

Saturday it was off far too early to Norfolk to see my kids. Not much to report here really, except that I taught my son the riff to 'Black Night' by Deep Purple.

That's me updated. Happy now Grant?

Current Track: Achilles Last Stand- Led Zeppelin

waning | waxing

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