

Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003

I'm surprised there hasn't been more comment on the invasion of Iraq in the diaries that I read.

I guess you might be interested in my view of it. At first I was for it before any action was taken. Saddam was a tyrant, and Iraq would benefit by his swift, almost bloodless removal. But it doesn't seem to be happening that easily. Resistance has been much stronger than expected. And where are the stocks of chemical and biological weapons that we were expecting to find? Where's the uprising of the Iraqis to remove the regime? Maybe it's too early for any of this.

The numerous blue-on-blue incidents and the inevitable civilian deaths has weakened my opinion. I was particularly disturbed by the images of a young child who had been very badly burned during a bombing raid on Baghdad. The memory of the screams will stay with me for a very long time.

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