

Monday, Mar. 31, 2003

What's the worst thing that can befall someone who's in training for a race like the London Marathon? Probably a broken leg. No I haven't broken my leg, but the next worst thing has got to be getting a cold. I had a sore throat Thursday, and this developed into a cold by Saturday night. So my plans for 3 hours plus of running on Sunday were ruined. I don't feel too bad today so maybe I'll be able to get a couple of longish runs in before the end of this week. That'll leave just a week to go.

I'm a bit concerned about the security situation at the marathon. It's an ideal target for terrorists wouldn't you say? 30 000 people running, many more watching along the route. Lot's of TV coverage. In the centre of London. It may not be terrorists- it could just be an opportunity for anti-war protesters to get publicity. Anyway I hope I've not given anyone any ideas along those lines. I just want to be able to do the race without any disruption, but I realise that it seems a rather trivial event compared to what is happening in Iraq right now.

Favourite of the moment: Kashmir-Led Zeppelin

waning | waxing

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