
Keep Yourself Alive

Wednesday, May. 07, 2003

Yes I'm still alive in case you're starting to worry.

The highlight of the weekend was the steam train on Sunday. Originally I thought it might be a good idea to take my youngest son S on a regular train, go to a nearby village have a bit of lunch and come back again. My eldest son C wanted a lift to the station to go to Norwich to meet some girl he knows, but then they had an arguement so the meeting was off.

So we went on the narrow guage steam train instead. Just. Of course being us we arrived at the station just when it was due to leave. Luckily they held it for us. I had to unload S's wheelchair from the car,put him in it, race into the station, buy the tickets all in about 30 seconds or so it seemed.

The journey was very pleasant, although Old Annie complained about the hard bench she and I had to sit on. When we got to our destination (Aylsham), we walked about the village for a while, though there wasn't much to see. At one point we had to make a detour through a car park because there was a flock of bees in a hedge, which a guy was trying deal with. OK I know it's a swarm of bees, I was checking that you're still paying attention.

We lunched in the station cafeteria and then got the train back to where we started (Wroxham). This time Old Annie and I had a 'comfy chair' to sit on so she was happier.

Did you go to the pub and watch any football? I hear you ask. Are you insane? It's a weekend, of course we did, but things did not go well on the field for C and TBG's team Arsenal, so intereset in football has suddenly waned, until next season of course.

Favourite song of the moment: Parisienne Walkways-Gary Moore

waning | waxing

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