
Black Wedding

Friday, Jul. 18, 2003

As I said last time Old Annie's ex is getting married on Saturday. Of course the dynamic duo (AM and TBG- note the irony there)are going-they should be getting a train this afternoon, which means Old Annie and I will have the house to ourselves. Horray! Party time! You'd think that Old Annie and I were the teenagers and they were the parents.

However I have to keep my fingers crossed that AM will actually go. She shares her father's delusion that he and Old Annie will eventually get back together again and live happily ever after. She doesn't want him to get married. Does she really think anyone would want to go back to the life that she had with him? According to Old Annie he's not that keen to get married either.

Anyway all will be revealed tonight when I get home. By the way Old Annie's school are doing a production of 'Oliver!' tonight which should be good. Once we've done our duty and attended that we're hitting the alcohol trail with a vengeance.

waning | waxing

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