
There was a little girl....

Wednesday, Jul. 23, 2003

This morning while driving in to work Old Annie said she didn't know how she came to get a kiss curl in her hair, that's suddenly appeared. I, being my mother's son, trotted out the following nursery rhyme:

'There was a little girl,

'Who had a little curl,

'Right in the middle of her forehead.

'When she was good,

'She was very very good,

'And when she was bad she was horrid'

Of course 'forehead' has to be pronounced 'forrid' to rhyme with 'horrid' and Old Annie just wouldn't believe me that that was an acceptable way to say it. She'd never heard the rhyme either, and thought the whole thing was exclusive to my family.

This has happened before with other things. Where I come from grandmothers are often addressed as 'nanny'. With the prospect of being a grandparent surely less than 10 years away Old Annie is adamant no-one will call her 'Nanny Anne' and live to tell the tale. She prefers 'nanna' or 'grandma'.

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