
The Drugs Don't Work

Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2003

The Drugs Don�t Work

Old Annie often phones me at work in the late afternoon to say that she�s getting a lift home with one of her colleagues. If I�m not in the office at the time she leaves a voice mail message. So I know I don�t have to rush off and get her and I can spend a little longer at work.

So yesterday afternoon there�s a voice mail message on my phone. It was Old Annie to let me know that she�s going home and then going to the hospital with AM who had taken �too many paracetamols�. So of course I rushed from work over to the hospital. They were still waiting to be seen-AM was in her pink silky pyjamas. After about an hour AM got to see a doctor, but we had to wait another hour for the result of her blood test. So it was after 9pm by the time we got home. Apparently she hadn�t taken enough to do any damage, but she�s got to see a psychiatrist tomorrow.

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