
A Little Night Music

Monday, Nov. 17, 2003

A Little Night Music

When I was a little kid we moved to a new house after living in a freezing pre-fabricated hut for a couple of years. The new house was great, it had central heating. Most of our new neighbours had kids so I had instant friends.

On one side there were two boys, the youngest of whom (Adrian) was about 2 years older than me. I always thought he was really intelligent- he was brilliant at drawing, and seemed to know about things I�d never heard of. I was only 5 when we moved in though, so I guess I was easily impressed. His father was into painting and the house was decorated with several nudes. They moved away when I was about 12. I�ve never seen him since- until Saturday night that is. Ages ago I�d heard that Adrian was in a band. My son C and I decided to go to see a band on Saturday night and when I saw in the local paper that Adrian�s band was on curiosity got the better of me.

Even though I haven�t seen him for over 20 years I recognised him. He looks now a bit like the guys in ZZ Top. The band played mostly country/ folk/ skiffle - all acoustic so not really our cup of tea. The highlight was �Whiskey in the Jar�. C is familiar with both the Thin Lizzy version and the cover by Metallica, so it was interesting to hear a version more like the original. I didn�t get to speak to Adrian- I doubt if he would recognise me anyway. We left while they were still performing.

waning | waxing

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