
Ho, Ho, Bloody Ho!

Monday, Dec. 08, 2003

Ho, Ho, Bloody Ho.

Just call me Ebenezar (I'm sure I said that last year), but shopping on Saturday was every bit of the hell I thought it would be. But we got everything and I managed to get Old Annie a new mobile phone. Now all I've got to do is wrap her stuff. It's stored in the garage at the moment.

We keep our Xmas decorations in the attic. The door to it is directly above our computer, so to get up there I have to stand on the computer desk, which decided to start to fall apart just as I was climbing up to retrieve the tree and trimmings. So while the women folk were decorating downstairs I had to do emerngency repairs to the computer table.

We're getting there. It's my office party tomorrow night, Old Annie's got her's next week.

My kids and Old Annie's nephew will be with us over Christmas, then Old Annie's friends are coming for New Year's. I can't wait for January 2nd.

Currently reading: A Prayer For Owen Meany by John Irving.

waning | waxing

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