
Review of the Year

Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003

Taking my cue from Uncle Bob and others I thought I'd have a quick review of the year. This is straight off the top of my head so I've probably forgotten really significant things or got things in the wrong order.

The year started with the death of my maternal grandmother, my last remaining grandparent. During the funeral service we were treated to some sureal organ music from the organist who had a reputation for forgetting how to play the hymns,even though she'd been doing it for years.

I had 2 holidays. The first was in Devon, where Old Annie and spent a week crammed into a caravan with our kids (2 hers, 3 mine). A couple of weeks after that hell, we got away just the 2 of us to the Isle of Man, which was really nice.

I've almost completely changed my list of diary favourites during the year, but my readership still hasn't got over 10- I'll have to be more outrageous in future. I know I've got 13 listed as reading me, but some of those are defunct or duplicates.

Also I got to meet another diarylander, but the experience must have too much for her, because she's defected to another diary site.

Old Annie got me an electric guitar for Christmas last year and although my progress has been slow I can play fairly well. I'd like to take lessons, but there just doesn't seem to be enough time. Another time-consuming activity is running. I competed in the London Marathon again, but I was rather slow, so I failed to complete it in my target time. I'm in it again next year.

Well not much else has happened, still married to Old Annie, still in the same job, still live in the same place, still support the same football team (Norwich City, top of Division One!!!!).....

Anyway here's wishing you all a Happy New Year. Keep on the green side.

waning | waxing

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