
Running Update

Friday, Mar. 12, 2004

Working, running, sleeping. That's all I seem to be doing nowadays.

When I'm not running I'm worrying that I should be running. The training does seem to be having an effect though.

On Tuesday evening I missed the club speed training session and instead took myself out on a long run around the town. And I really mean around the town.

I was out for 2 hours 26 minutes and I managed to keep up a reasonable pace. I reckon I must have covered at least 15 miles. I didn't feel too tired afterwards either- that's a good sign.

So next Tuesday I'm planning to do 20 miles, but before that I'm running a half marathon- a teeny tiny 13 miles- on Sunday. I ran the same race last year in a time of 1 hour 51 minutes, so I'm hoping to improve on that.

Again this year I'm collecting sponsorship money for Old Annie's school, so that they can buy a new PC.

Favourite song of the moment: 'Neat Neat Neat'- The Damned

waning | waxing

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