
Ten Years After

Monday, Apr. 05, 2004

Kurt Cobain is remembered this week since it is 10 years since his suicide.

At the time I had never heard of Cobain, or Nirvana. But I will never forget that week, especially Friday April 8th, 1994, the day that his body was discovered.

That was the day that I found out that my suspicions about my (first) wife were true, that she was having an affair. Her mother went round unexpectedly and found him there, and phoned me at work to tell me. When I got home of course we had a massive row, which ended up with me leaving. I was arrested later for assaulting her and spent the whole weekend in police custody. To this day I cannot remember if I assaulted her or not, but as her friend was conveniently there too the police charged me. In my interview I gave no comment. I appeared in court on Monday morning. In a subsequent hearing about 2 months later I was given a conditional discharge. I�m not sure if that means I�m guilty or not.

In the meantime I became a weekend father to our 3 children. The other man went to live with them, and stayed for 7 years. After about a year I moved away to Essex with my job and I�ve been here ever since. Five years ago I met Old Annie and we married 2 � years ago. My ex wife got married last year, not to the guy that she went with but someone else.

Co-incidently Old Annie�s marriage went into free fall this week 7 years ago when her husband tried to strangle her and threatened to shoot her because the Grand National didn�t take place and he couldn�t bet on it. He was a compulsive gambler at the time.

Oh such happy memories!

The best thing is that Old Annie and I have come out on top and these appalling people can go and rot in hell. Not that we�re bitter.

Favourite song at the moment: Brighton Rock-Queen

waning | waxing

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