
Smash It Up

Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2002

'Smash It Up' is the title of a song by the Damned, as you all probably know. Appropriate considering today's events. I had just started a reaction which involved the use of a volatile and extremely smelly compound as one of the reactants. Everything was fine. I added the smelly stuff to the rest of the reactants, put the stopper in and left it stirring in the fumecupboard. I had a look a few minutes later and it was going as expected- a pinkish solid was forming. So I thought I'd leave it a bit longer while I go and do something else. While I was doing something else there was a bang, and the sound of breaking glass. My boss came running out of his office. What had happened was that the stopper had been forced out by a build-up of pressure with such power that it had smashed the toughened glass over the light at the top of the fumecupboard. And of course the smelly stuff was let loose to reek havoc. It's lucky there weren't any important visitors around today.

The mess is cleared up but the smell lingers on. I think I'll have a long bath tonight.

Somehow I don't they'll allow me to open any bottles of champagne at the Christmas party on Saturday night.

waning | waxing

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