
Body talk.

Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2003

I haven't said much about running lately- I know you're all dying to find out how the marathon training is going , aren't you? So far I've only done 4- 5 mile runs to get started but last night I stepped up a gear to 11 miles, which took me 103 minutes. If you do some simple calculations you'll find that at that pace I would complete the marathon in just over 4 hours, which is exactly what I've done when I ran it twice before. However my target time is 3.5 hours,so there's plenty of work to be done to get up to that sort of pace,and maintain it for 26 miles.

That's the boring stuff out of the way. Now for the interesting, um, well actually there doesn't seem to be much interesting stuff going on at the moment, unless you want me to tell you the saga of the broken wing mirror, or the very amusing thing that TBG offered as an answer to a question on the Weakest Link.

Ok forget the wing mirror. Right. The Weakest Link. The question was something like 'On what part of the body do mountaineers put crampons?' TBG's answer was 'The fanny'. This might only be funny/understandable to us Brits, and if you really want an explanation, let me know.

Favourite Song of the Moment-The Scientist by Coldplay.

waning | waxing

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