
Time on my Hands

Monday, Jan. 27, 2003

I don't really have much to write about, but I've a spare 30 minutes before I go to collect Old Annie from work, so here I am.

Several Dlanders have mentioned the Superbowl today. It doesn't get much coverage here-it might just make it into the news broadcast, but that's about it. So who won? What sport is it anyway? Football? No that's not football. Football is when the players strike the ball with their feet, hence the name. It's not when big guys in spacesuits run around bumping into each other and falling over a lot.

Well now that I've alienated most of my sparse readership I'd better go.


Oh by the way, don't forget to put a pin in the guestmap thing. Thank you and Goodnight.

Favourite Song of the Moment-Speedking by Deep Purple- I just love the crazy beginning..

waning | waxing

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