
Anniversary waltz

Monday, Apr. 07, 2003

Saturday 5th April was the 6th anniversary of an incident that brought about the end of Old Annie's marriage to her now ex-husband who she affectionately calls 'It'. The Grand National (a famous horse race) took place that day and this year the race also took place on 5th April. So Old Annie wasn't looking forward to Saturday very much.

It was our weekend for seeing my kids so we drove up to Norfolk as usual, dropped AM and TBG with It and went on to my mother's. As is traditional we all picked out a horse for the Grand National, including Old Annie who picked out 'Youlneverwalkalone', since she supports Liverpool (soccer team for you north americans) she couldn't really pick anything else. We had 8 horses backed each way out of a field of 40, so statistically we should have got something. But no, not one of our horses finished anywhere.

I was a bit worried that Old Annie would get upset when the race was on but she seemed ok. I think that although she has very bad memories of her life with It, she realises that that day was the beginning of a new life for her, she got the courage to start divorce proceedings while he was in jail and eventually she ended up with me! Incidently my day of reckoning was 8th April 1994, when my 1st marriage effectively ended. For a long while that date was stuck firmly in my memory, but now I struggle to recall when it was.

One thing that neither Old Annie or I can get our heads around is what the hell were we doing married to these people in the first place. They were so unsuitable to put it mildly. It seems that everyone has to go through some sort of 'relationship hell' before things start going good for them. But for us it's going great, so let us be encouragement for those of you having a bad time with relationships at the moment. There really is someone out there for each and every one of you who is near perfect (no-one's completely perfect). Those people you were with who have hurt you in the past just weren't right for you.

Well I seem to have got rather carried away there. Sorry for being so preachy, I didn't mean to go on so much. Ok back to the weekend.

On Saturday night it was arranged that Old Annie, me and the older 2 of my kids, C and Em would go out. Of course Em being Em decided at the last minute not to go, even though I'd bought tickets for the event ages ago. The event was a 'musical soiree' performed by my brother-in-law A and his friend (they're both in the police). A does all the singing and the other guy plays guitar. It was in aid of their local school, which my godson attends. I wasn't that keen on going, after all it was an hour's drive away. But in the end we really enjoyed it. They played stuff from the 60's (Beatles, Stones, Orbison, even 'Hush' by Deep Purple) 70's (Bowie, Queen) 80's (the Police of course) 90's (Robbie Williams)and loads more I can't remember right now. Another of my sisters was there (I've got 3) with her son, who's 16 like my son C. The poor boys got dragged onto the dancefloor by their drunken Aunts. Even I ended up dancing (although shifting your weight from one foot to the other in time to the music isn't what I'd call dancing). There was a cheap bar, although I couldn't drink, so Old Annie had my share, and food too (chilli con carne). So a good time was had by all, and at some point in the proceedings Old Annie said to me she wouldn't be worried about April 5th again.

waning | waxing

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