
I'm the Leader of the Gang (I am)

Thursday, May. 15, 2003

It must be my feminine side showing or something, but I get really cranky when my hair needs cutting. I know it's time to get it done when it starts growing sideways from my head, and I look a bit like those big penguins. I've had it done now, although it's probably too short now (I'm never satisfied I know). But after a couple of weeks it'll sort itself out and be just groovy.

I had my appraisal at work yesterday. Well I've still got a job, but no promotion this year. Must try harder. On a positive note I am now team leader for 2 customer accounts, instead of 1. Wow. I mustn't let this power go to my head. I hope you detected a note of sarcasm there.

waning | waxing

Last 5

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