
Dumb and Dumber

Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003

In early preparation for the London Marathon I've started doing breathing exercises with a device called 'Powerbreathe'. Basically every morning and night I have to breathe deeply 30 times through this thing. This amused Old Annie immensely- me getting out of breath at bed time, must be a first! I think my preparation is a bit out of kilter- apparently it takes longer for the legs to get used to extra running than the heart/lungs, but I've always felt I could achieve better running if I could only breathe more efficiently, so that's what I'm trying to do.

The quiz team (Old Annie and I) were in action again last night. But we really sucked at it this time. We didn't even get 50%. Old Annie managed to identify some woman called Lucy Lou out of 'Charlie's Angels' (I thought she was in 'Andy Pandy'), and we scored well in the chemical elements, but we failed to name Michael Jackson as a famous American singer, and I was really kicking myself so not getting that the nickname of the comic actor Leonard Marx, was 'Harpo'. What idiots.

waning | waxing

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