

Monday, Oct. 06, 2003

�Let�s recap on the last few days.�

�Oh yes, let�s!�

At the end of last week I was working my cute little ass off to get some work done in time for a client to visit on Friday. They seemed happy with what I�ve done so far, so that was a relief. Such a relief that I felt totally exhausted after the meeting and spent the rest of Friday doing nothing in particular, except sending and receiving e-mails and sorting out some paperwork.

To celebrate my success at being a Superchemist, I took Old Annie out for a few drinks on Friday night to our favourite pub. We had a nice night reminiscing about our teenage years. It started when I accidentally said �LP� instead of �CD�. So we recalled how it used to so difficult to get information. For example if you missed the evening football results on the television news there was no way to find out what they were until the newspapers came out next morning. There was no internet or even teletext. We then got on to music and it appears that our parents had the same sort of radiogram thing that took up half the living room, which consisted of a radio and a record player. I told her about my blue transistor radio that I had for years, and how I used to tape songs off it onto cassette (in mono) using a microphone. We thought we were really going up in the world when we got a music centre, which consisted of a record player, a radio and a cassette deck. Now I could tape directly from the radio (on FM now instead of AM) and in stereo. I did this religiously between the ages of about 15 to 18, when I left for uni. I had masses of stuff on tape. I also used to keep scrapbooks of the music press, from about 1977 to about 1980. Again this ended when I went to uni. The consequence of this was that I knew a huge amount about that era of music- the punk/ new wave era. Now I'm trying to replace some of my favourite tracks on those worn out tapes by downloading them. Trouble is many obscure songs just aren't available any more. I've been trying to get 'Part-time Punks' by TV Personalities for ages. It's great.

When we�d got tired of nostalgia we went on to slagging off other people in the pub (quietly so they couldn�t hear us of course). There was one woman who had a really loud, shrieking laugh that was so annoying. What�s more she seemed to find everything that one of her male companions said hilariously funny. We decided it was time to leave.

Favourite song of the moment: Charles by The Skids

waning | waxing

Last 5

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