

Friday, Nov. 07, 2003


After running last night I went to a local pub where a band regularly plays and they have a jam session where anyone can perform. The band plays blues mainly- not my favourite type of music, but live music nonetheless.

A guy got up and played a few songs on an accordian. It wasn't as bad as it sounds actually. He finished with 'Candle in the Wind', accompanied by the bassist and drummer. Then the lead guitarist got up and with his brother on harmonies did 'Annie's Song', by John Denver. This song is hated by Old Annie since it was in the charts when her parents' marriage was ending so it has bad connections for her. And that's the reason why she hates being called 'Annie'. She knows I call her 'Old Annie' on this site. You'll have to read 'Catcher in the Rye' to find out why I call her Old.

waning | waxing

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