

Tuesday, Jul. 20, 2004

I�ve been bad again. I�ve bought yet another King Crimson album, this time it�s �USA�, a live album from about 1974. So quite a new one then. I already own it on vinyl, but since we don�t have a working record player, and if we did it wouldn�t work in the car, I�ve bought the CD.

I ran in the Thrift Green Trotters 10k race at the weekend. I was hoping to do it in less than 48 minutes, but this race is notorious for it�s hills. So I wasn�t that disappointed when I did it in a terrible 55 minutes. That was until I checked my records and found that when I did the same race 3 years ago I did it in 46 minutes. So you can see the effect the ravages of time are having on me.

Favourite at the Moment: Cadence and Cascade-King Crimson

waning | waxing

Last 5

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